Area of a 5 Meter Square

May 2023 ยท 1 minute read

What is the area of a square that is 5 meters on a side? How big is a 5 meter square?

Area of a 5m by 5m square

25square meters 250,000square centimeters 0.0025hectares 38,750square inches 269.10square feet 29.900square yards 0.0061776acres

(results may be rounded)

Area of a Square Formula

The area of a square is the length of one side squared.

Area = Side2

Area by Length of Sides

(results are rounded)

Side m2 ft2 5.0 m 25.00 269.1 5.1 m 26.01 280.0 5.2 m 27.04 291.1 5.3 m 28.09 302.4 5.4 m 29.16 313.9
Side m2 ft2 5.5 m 30.25 325.6 5.6 m 31.36 337.6 5.7 m 32.49 349.7 5.8 m 33.64 362.1 5.9 m 34.81 374.7
